The Aviation police, in the Netherlands known as the Dienst Luchtvaart Politie (Police Aviation Service), provides assistance from the air, for example by monitoring large-scale events and tracking lost persons. The unit uses helicopters that can be fitted with special equipment such as video and infrared cameras. Another of their responsibilities is to investigate all aircraft accidents.
.Look at the next videos.
3 Police Helicopters landings
POLICE05, PH-PXE, De Eurocopter EC 135 hangar arrival Schiphol-Oost
‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ which means The Children’s BeastParty
‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ is a private party for the chronically ill and / or disabled children up to 16 years together with their parents, brothers and sisters. The festival is organized by the Foundation ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ in partnership with Natura Artis Magistra and the Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service, Navy, Customs, Royal Military Police, the Red Cross, Rescue brigade and the City of Amsterdam. A special evening where the kids can just forget about their illness and be themselves.
The children are picked up in ambulances, fire trucks, police cars or other vehicle and visit the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam and are then brought back to the hospital or other residential address.
‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ event celebrates 15 years and will be held on Friday, June 6, 2014.
Watch the following videos of departure and arrival of ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ convoy through Hoofddorp.
Return convoy ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ 2013 video Denice Ann (11 years old)
Return convoy ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ 2013 from Spaarne Hospital Hoofddorp to Haarlem
Return convoy ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ 2013 from Artis Zoo back in Hoofddorp
Departure (Cam2) convoy ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ 2013 from Spaarnestad hospital and past fire station Hoofddorp
Departure (Cam1) convoy ‘Het KinderBeestFeest’ 2013 from Spaarne hospital and past fire station Hoofddorp